column.renderer : functionDefault: undefined

A renderer is an 'interceptor' function which can be used to transform data (value, appearance, etc.) before it is rendered.

If the renderer function return a value, then this value is going to be automatically set as value of the cell.
If the renderer function doesn't return a value, then you have to set the content of the cell automatically.



 <table id="grid" data-source="/0_6/Grid/GetPlayers"></table>
     var nameRenderer = function (value, record, $wrapper, $cell) {
         $cell.css('font-style', 'italic');
         $wrapper.css('background-color', '#EEE');
         uiLibrary: 'jqueryui',
         columns: [
             { field: 'ID', width: 30 },
             { field: 'Name', renderer: nameRenderer },
             { field: 'PlaceOfBirth', renderer: function (value, record) { return record.ID % 2 ? '<b>' + value + '</b>' : '<i>' + value + '</i>'; }  }